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NVAAASA and the Clark County School District 

The Nevada African American Administrators and Superintendents Association (NVAAASA) is a non-profit organization that works to empower administrators in leading the work to ensure the educational success of Latinx and African American youth.  NVAAASA is committed to advocating for change by ensuring that policies foster high standards and quality learning experiences within educational systems. Our organization work in collaboration with CCSD to develop a network of diverse instructional leaders that ensures proportionate representation of the student population we serve throughout the great state of Nevada.
NVAAASA and the Clark County School District are collaborating with our colleagues and kicking off our partnership with an equity conference on September 22 -24 at the Westin, Lake Las Vegas Spa and Resort. Our theme “Building the Urban Leader for now and beyond” will bring all of our organizations together as we advocate for the growth and advancement of all leaders and foster a commitment to improving learning outcomes for our all learners.

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